Personal Loans
Personal Loans can be paid back in fixed monthly payments up to four years. TruNothern Federal Credit provides unsecured personal loans, which means it is not backed by collateral.

Debt Consolidation Loans
Debt can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Take control of your debt and improve your financial situation all while improving your credit score for when you need to borrow. Debt consolidation loans are unsecured loans that are used to pay off credit card debts and collection accounts* by combining all applicable debts into one individual loan, thus creating a single debt to pay off. Your hometown credit union is here to help find the purrfect fit for your budget.
*Debts must show on a credit report to be eligible for debt consolidation. Terms and conditions apply. Speak with a loan officer for details!

Overdraft Protection Line of Credit
Manage expenses and safeguard from fees when account balances dip below zero with immediate access to funds that provide support in a pinch. Overdraft protection line of credit is linked to a checking account to cover pending transactions that the account balance cannot cover. This helps members avoid fees for insufficient funds, ensures that checks don’t bounce, debit card transactions aren’t rejected, and that automatic payments aren’t denied. Without an overdraft protection line of credit, overspending may result in:
Overdraft protection line of credit provides a safeguard in the event of a financial emergency. Most members qualify for limits between $500 and $2,000. Members must authorize overdrafts for ATM or Visa transactions. Without prior authorization, overdraft coverage is not available. There is a $5 transfer fee that is charged when funds are transferred from the overdraft line of credit. Speak with a loan officer for eligibility details, terms and conditions, and additional information.

Share Secured Loans
A Share Secured Loan is a type of loan that is secured by your savings account or a share certificate account.
Essentially, it is a way for you to borrow using your own money as collateral. Instead of using all of your savings to make a purchase, thus losing out on future dividends and your emergency fund, you're borrowing against that sum while your money stays in your account. Because they're secured by your own funds, you'll enjoy lower interest rates. In addition, having some collateral in the mix is a great way for first-time borrowers – potentially increasing your chances for approval.